
James Hoskins James Hoskins

Christ Church Dartmouth

Visited Christ Church on Sunday. I missed the debate on Saturday being out of HRM. Great conversation with locals about tents and the homeless. My plan to own this problem and provide better communication and support from HRM will improve the situation towards a successful result.

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James Hoskins James Hoskins

Clayton Park Homeless Site

Visited the site chosen by Provincial Government for homeless housing . This is not the location that should be developed due to its proximity of public recreation fields and the Canada Games Center and a High School and a Library . It appears as though the communication between HRM and the Province is in question according to the local MLA and residents. HRM is in an emergency crisis with housing homeless in tents and this speaks volumes of the leadership and strategy in place.

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James Hoskins James Hoskins

Sheet Harbour Campaigning

Speaking with another Sheet Harbour resident who provided very insightfull information into the issues in Sheet Harbour .

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James Hoskins James Hoskins

Sheet Harbour Campaigning

Speaking with residents in Sheet Harbour a beautiful part of HRM and I have pledged to support these communities and I love this type of people contact.

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James Hoskins James Hoskins

Ecum Secum Campaigning

September 15 Great day down in Ecum Secum speaking with residents about their community issues which if elected as Mayor I have pledged to have a stronger connection to these communities. I love this kind of people engagement .

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James Hoskins James Hoskins

Visit to Fultz House Museum

Great visit today at Fultz House Museum in Sackville . A sure treat to remind all of us that history is not a hitching post but a guide post to our past and present. We honor all those who paved the way . Museums like this must be supported so we never lose our link to their achievements and stories.

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James Hoskins James Hoskins


I talked with HRM LIbrary staff on strike today while at City Hall demonstration. I know what it is to be on strike and HRM should settle this strike ASAP. Labour working conditions are the bedrock of a progressive HRM and a fair and just settlement is a sign of progress.

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James Hoskins James Hoskins

Declare HRM emergency crisis

I have pledged that if elected as Mayor, I will take charge of the HRM response to the tent homeless and in doing so, I will declare an emergency crisis as other cities in Canada have done to strengthen the response to this issue.

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James Hoskins James Hoskins

Poor Future Planning with Andy FILLMORE

Andy Fillmore in a video on Rimshots with Sean, is a good snapshot of the way MP Andy Fillmore believes housing is going in HRM if he becomes the next HRM Mayor.

Fillmore says housing is a major problem in HRM in the Rimshots video,but as MP for Halifax he has been quoted as saying”that old dream of the one-acre lot, the picket fence , the one or two cars in the garage ,and a lawn to mow , that is a shrinking dream,and that is a dream of fewer people”.He goes on to say everytime he sees a crane downtown his heart lifts. Really ANDY?

Andy should realize that people still have dreams about owning a home in HRM and they must never lose that dream .We do not need a planner for Mayor, we need a leader who does not take away dreams. If elected as your Mayor , owning a home and picket fence, and lawn to mow, will not be a thing of the past in HRM.

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James Hoskins James Hoskins

Strawberry Hill Development

Attended information meeting about the Strawberry Hill Development and there is no plan for providing housing for middle and lower income rentals or home owners. All the HRM planners that I engaged confirmed that HRM is on a pathway for high end housing . This will contribute to the division of rich vs the poor. I will, if elected as your Mayor, not support this project unless provisions are made for the middle and lower income segment of our society.

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James Hoskins James Hoskins

Meeting with Bill Mont

Met with Bill Mont recently at Northwood Center and Bill gave me the tour and counsel on HRM issues and joined the team. Thanks Bill.

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James Hoskins James Hoskins

Violence in HRM

As your Mayor if elected , I will strengthen the committment to Public Safety by optimizing the resources of our Police Service and emphasis on Enforcement and Crime Prevention Strategy

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Trevor @ Hop Creative Trevor @ Hop Creative

Spryfield Multi Cultural Festival

Attended Multi Cultural Festival Spryfield Saturday great stuff for HRM diversity engagement met a lot of people having great engagement.

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