
Accepting Contributions

Only individuals and candidates can make campaign contributions.

No contributions from Corporations, Trade Unions, Non-Profits groups, Associations, or Partnerships.

No contributions can be accepted from individuals who are not ordinarily a resident of Nova Scotia.

LIMITS of Contributions

An individual may contribute up to $ 3,000.00 for Mayoral Candidates.

Information required from a individual

An individual who contributes up to $ 49.99 will provide their full name.

An individual who contributes $ 50.00 to the limit of $ 3,000.00 will be required to provide their full name (First, middle and family name), residential address including their Postal Code). Mailing addresses are not accepted. Some people have a Post Office Boxes where mail is sent to them. These addresses are not accepted.

E-transfers will be accepted by sending your donation to

You may send a cheque to:

Official Agent for Jim Hoskins
1507 - 5870 Demone Street Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 0G9